Are You Longing for a Personal Spiritual Retreat?

By Wendy Simmons   •   September 13, 2024

If you’re looking for time to get alone with God and grow in your relationship with Him, consider a Personal Spiritual Retreat at The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove.

A click of the suitcase and one last look around the room.

“Ready,” she said with a smile still on her face.

The couple closed the door behind them at the Shepherd’s Inn—at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove—and headed toward their car.

 “This was our fifth retreat,” Mark said. “Time alone with the Lord refreshed our souls.

“The Cove is a touch of heaven with peace, calm and goodness.”

Mark and his wife just finished a Personal Spiritual Retreat—a unique offering at The Cove for those longing for focused time away with the Lord. It’s a date on your calendar to meet God in prayer and meditation and study His Word. This can be done alone or with a spouse.

The inspiration for the retreat comes from the pages of Scripture itself, where Jesus Christ calls his followers to “come away and rest awhile” (Mark 6:31, ESV).

‘My Heart Feels Lighter’

A recently widowed woman finished her Personal Spiritual Retreat encouraged and ready to face the challenges of her new normal. “I came here with deep grief, and while my circumstances did not change,” she said, “my heart feels lighter.”

One struggling pastor finished with a new outlook on ministry: “I needed guidance on important decisions, and the Lord met me here,” he said. “I am ready to press on!”

Do you long to draw closer to Jesus—to “be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10, ESV)?  Do you find the distractions of everyday life frequently interfere with regular times to pray and read God’s Word? Are you considering significant life decisions and need to seek the Lord’s guidance?

A Personal Spiritual Retreat may be just what you need.

Can’t Make it to Asheville?

Your retreat may not be a 3-day outing at a retreat center in the North Carolina mountains. A few hours may be all you can accommodate.

A busy mother with young children, for example, could set aside a few hours in an outdoor park while the children are with a sitter or family member.  A couple seeking the Lord’s guidance and direction for a significant life transition could plan for a local overnight trip.

Once you set the time and place, pray in advance for the retreat. Ask God to prepare your heart and quiet your mind to hear from Him. When you approach your retreat with a teachable spirit, the Lord will “direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:6, NKJV).

Preparation is Key

Follow these general principles used by The Cove during Personal Spiritual Retreats:

Having a specific spiritual goal for this time away will help guide your retreat. The Lord promises that “you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13, NKJV).

Whether you are staying at home or traveling, gather all the materials you need, including your Bible, pens, and journal.

Leave technology aside. Unplug—and don’t be tempted to pick up your phone or open your device. This will interfere with your time with God. It’s OK not to “be social” for a few days.

Finally, at the end of your retreat, create a “Take Home Plan.” Write down what the Lord has shown you and what changes you will make. Consider questions like:

  • Has a verse of Scripture spoken to your heart?
  • Is there a verse to memorize?
  • What insight has God revealed to you?
  • What has God encouraged you to implement once you return home?

And the personal retreat doesn’t have to end when you “re-enter” everyday life. As you drive home, think of ways you can incorporate a “devotional attitude” into your daily life and minimize all the noise around you.

“We don’t realize how much of the world is in us,” one Cove guest said. “until we make an intentional time to be still and let Him speak.”

Interested in a Personal Spiritual Retreat or Guided Personal Spiritual Retreat at The Cove? Find out more here.