An Afternoon With Kirk Cameron Draws More Than 1,000 to Billy Graham Library

By   •   May 13, 2023

Kirk Cameron gave two book readings at the Billy Graham Library from his children’s book, “As You Grow,” published by Brave Books. Each event drew 300 parents and children, with a book signing that followed.

In the fall of 1989, teenage television star Kirk Cameron met Billy Graham in Hollywood as the evangelist was honored with a star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. He remembers the humility of the evangelist who spoke about not wanting any of the fame of a Hollywood Star.

Kirk Cameron and Billy Graham met in Hollywood in October of 1989. “Becoming a Christian is the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Cameron said.

But God’s ambassador was convinced that having his name forever etched in gold may open doors for future conversations about the Gospel of Jesus Christ when coming generations ask, “Who is Billy Graham?”

“As a brand new Christian, that meant so much to me,” said Cameron, reminiscing that meeting.

Some 34 years later, at the Billy Graham Library, it was Cameron who was sharing about God’s love through his Biblically based children’s book “As I Grow,” which explains the fruit of the Spirit.

More than a thousand people came for the two readings and book signing, and many left encouraged and emboldened to stand strong for their faith.

“Kirk Cameron reminds me of my grandfather, Billy Graham, and my father Franklin because he is bold,” Will Graham introduced Cameron at the second book reading. “I’m grateful that he stands up for Jesus Christ and for our Christian faith.”

‘He Stands for the Truth’

“His ministry is awesome,” said Ricardo Eran, who came to the book reading with his wife Kristen and two young kids. “His boldness to speak the truth and [support] the family and the unborn … We love what he’s doing.”

Growing up in Lima, Peru, Ricardo knew about Cameron from the popular show “Growing Pains.” Four years ago, he moved his family to Charlotte from Oregon, and as the country veers further from its Christian foundation, he’s encouraged to have a voice standing strong for Biblical values. “We need brave men like him,” Ricardo said.

“We all knew him as Mike Seaver,” Kristen, said. “He’s been part of our culture for many, many years, but now he’s speaking out, living for the Lord.”

Cameron has found plenty of opposition speaking out on Biblical values that collide with a progressive culture.

“It’s a spiritual battle,” Kristen said. “We have an enemy who wants to squash the truth. And [Cameron] stands for the truth.”

‘He’s Promoting Everything I Wish I Could’

Jamie, of nearby Concord, N.C., had spent nearly two decades as a public school teacher until she finally had reached her limit.

“I was in public school for almost 19 years, and the things they started indoctrinating into the school, I couldn’t stand for … like gender identity … I just didn’t agree with, so I moved to a Christian school.”

Having an opportunity to support Cameron and the Brave Books was a no-brainer for Jamie, who came with her two daughters, ages 10 and 5.

“I love it. I absolutely love it,” she said. “I love how he didn’t just read the book, but he talked about each picture and what it meant on a personal level.”

Jamie loves the fact that through the pro-God, pro-country books Cameron is “promoting everything I wish I could.”

“He has the voice in the bigger part of the world that someone like me feels small in.”

Franklin Graham introduces Kirk Cameron at the May 13th event at the Billy Graham Library.  “I appreciate that Kirk takes a bold stand and isn’t afraid to speak up for God’s truth and Biblical values in this woke culture that wants Christians to sit down and shut up,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook. “Kirk was a great encouragement to all the parents who came today.”


‘He Found Me at the Cross’

Standing in front of the cross that doubles as an enormous glass front door to the Billy Graham Library, Cameron took a minute to reflect on what the cross means to him personally.

“It’s where God found me,” he said. “He found me at the cross, where I understood the Gospel, that I needed my sins forgiven and that those sins were paid for by the Son of God. And that through His death and resurrection I would have the opportunity to find eternal life.”

Cameron talked about his faith journey as a teenager, hearing the Gospel clearly for the first time and how it started to permeate his heart. “I couldn’t prove if it was true. But I couldn’t deny that it had affected me.”

After much research and conversation with his pastor, he remembers sitting in his car as an 18-year-old, praying to ask Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior. “I asked God to forgive me, to change me on the inside. And lead me in the way He wants me to go.

“And here I am 35–40 years later and becoming a Christian was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Make your plans to visit the Billy Graham Library.