Franklin Graham shared his heart.
And Abby took it to heart.
The college grad had spent the last four years searching. Questioning, actually, is more like it.
Does God really exist?
Sure, she grew up in a Christian home and knew all about God and Jesus, but just like Franklin Graham, she hadn’t personalized her relationship growing up.
And now she’s 21.
“I went off to college to see what was out there,” the Jacksonville resident said. “I realize that without faith you can’t please God. And that’s a bummer for me.”
See, Abby had a hard time with the whole faith aspect. For her, seeing was believing. So she spent most of her college life at the University of Northern Florida studying books about the existence of God.
But as Franklin Graham shared at the Greater Jacksonville Festival of Hope about growing up as the son of Billy Graham, one of the country’s most notable Christian leaders, she took special note that it took him to age 22 to accept Christ as his personal Savior.
For Abby, it was age 21.
“I related to his story,” she said. “He was brought up in a Christian home, but he had to make his faith his own.”
On Friday night, many took the same route as Abby, streaming down the aisles at Jacksonville’s Veterans Memorial Arena. Over 25 percent of decisions made were made between the ages of 10-18, including two friends, Julia and Tsemantte.
The two friends, 12 and 13, came forward together, and counselors Danielle and Mary Ann were honored to play a part in their Christian journey.
Even though one is a pastor’s daughter and the other goes to church regularly, neither had taken the step to follow Jesus. “They both made real commitments to Christ tonight,” Danielle said.
Friday night’s sermon focused on the value of a soul. “Is your soul in the secure hands of God?” Franklin Graham asked the crowd, before quoting Mark 8:36. “What should it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
Around the world, more than 11,000 people heard the Good News in over 80 countries via Internet streaming on their computers, tablets and mobile phones. More than 300 made decisions for Christ watching the Festival of Hope online at
From a man in Ethiopia to a Cracker Barrel waiter in Louisiana, to a disabled woman named Nana in St. Augustine, who was so thankful she could tune in online with several of her disabled friends.
“I hooked my laptop to my big screen so we could enjoy the live feed more,” Nana said.
The Festival of Hope continues over the weekend with live streaming available both days. On Saturday, the Newsboys, Lacey and Dae-Lee will perform, starting at 6:30 (ET), while Sunday’s lineup includes the Charlie Daniels Band and Tasha Cobbs, beginning at 3:30 (ET).
Both nights, Franklin Graham will share a message of hope with an opportunity to follow Jesus Christ as a personal Savior. Like Friday, he’ll try to remove any obstacle in making a decision.
“If you came with family, they’ll wait,” Franklin Graham said Friday night. “If you came with friends, they’re not going to leave you.
“You come right now.”
Did you miss Friday’s Festival? Watch it online now.