Will Graham Brings Good News of Jesus Christ to Newfoundland and Labrador

By Tommy Berry   •   November 6, 2016

Will Graham was in Newfoundland and Labrador Nov. 5-6 where many came forward to talk to a counselor about asking Jesus into their lives.
Will Graham preaching on stage
Will Graham went to Grand Falls-Windsor to tell people about Jesus Christ.
The Color
The Nov. 5-6 event featured music from The Color, The City Harmonic, and Manafest, all of which are from Canada. Here, the crowd rocks out to the music of The Color.
The Grand Falls-Windsor Celebration of Hope kicked off on Saturday with Kidzfest, a fun and engaging evangelistic program just for little ones.
Kidzfest worship
Praising God at Kidzfest.
Kidzfest reading Gospel of John for kids
Learning about how Jesus loves her.
praying before Celebration
Will Graham, grandson of Billy Graham and the oldest son of Franklin Graham, paused to pray backstage before the start of the Celebration of Hope.
crowd in stadium
Will Graham shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Joe Byrne Memorial Stadium in Grand Falls-Windsor. Over the course of the 2-day Celebration, dozens of people indicated making first-time decisions to accept Jesus Christ.
The City Harmonic
The City Harmonic, a band made up of Christians from Canada, has been part of several evangelistic Festivals and Celebrations with Franklin and Will Graham. They rocked the stadium, as usual, on Saturday night.
women praying
"And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2:21, ESV)
woman worshiping
A moment of worship.
Manafest opened up the Celebration of Hope on Saturday night.
Will Graham praying
Will Graham prays after giving the invitation to accept Christ.
Jason Crabb
The second night of the Celebration featured music by Jason Crabb, The Color and Sevenview. In addition to leading a worship set, Jason Crabb led the crowd in singing "Happy birthday" to Billy Graham, who turned 98 on Nov. 7.
stadium Sunday
The stadium was packed with nearly 2,000 people on Sunday night, the final night of the Celebration of Hope.
Raising hands in worship.
crowd worshiping
Filling the stadium with praise to the one true God.
Will Graham preaching
Will Graham said far too many people dangerously believe they are "good enough" before God, without accepting Jesus as their Savior. “This is the most important decision you’ll ever make in life, and I can’t make this for you,” he said. “I promise it will take guts for you accept Jesus publicly. Why publicly? Because Jesus was hung on a cross in public to die for you. He wasn’t ashamed of you.”

Will Graham preaching on stage