Photos: Chaplains Ministering in Sutherland Springs

By   •   November 16, 2017

Crisis-trained chaplains with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team are ministering in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in the aftermath of a deadly church shooting. Each of the 26 lives lost during the Nov. 5 shooting is represented by a wooden cross at this memorial. Many have stopped by to pay their respects, some even taking a moment to share their stories and pray with the chaplains.
In the midst of tragedy, it can help to know that someone cares.
The church reopened this week as a memorial. Roses were placed on white chairs in memory of those slain.
Chaplains are humbled that so many in this town have embraced them as they share the love of Jesus Christ.
The incident pierced the community, leaving some families to say goodbye to multiple relatives.
A quiet, heartfelt moment.
Psalm 34:18 declares, “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart.”
Circling up for prayer.
The sights, smells and sounds of that awful day weigh heavily upon the survivors, particularly the children. Please pray God would relieve all affected. “People cannot imagine the horror and tragedy that the children that survived this are going to have,” one chaplain said. “They’re all in PTSD right now. They’re all having nightmares, dreams. This was a horrific scene.”

Would you please join the chaplains in praying for this community?