Chaplains Support Grieving Georgia Community

By Logan Ryan   •   September 7, 2024

On Sept. 4, at Apalachee High School in Winder, Ga., a 14-year-old student opened fire on classmates and faculty. Four people were killed—two students and two teachers—and countless families were plunged into turmoil. Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains ministered to this community experiencing unimaginable grief.
Chaplains join others in a circle to pray for heartbroken students, parents, staff, and community members. Students have gathered to cry and comfort each other. Parents have grieved along with them, contemplating how it easily could have been their kids in the line of fire.
“These kids and their families have been through a very traumatic situation, and they’re grieving," said chaplain Al New. "We’re here to let them tell their stories, share their pain, to hug them and pray with them. We point them to the hope that is found in Jesus, who is there with them every step of this journey.”
The solitary flag pole outside of Apalachee High School became a makeshift memorial. Beneath it a collection of flowers grew, each bouquet a testament to a grieving heart dealing with the trauma of what took place on campus.
Chaplain Toni New leads a family in prayer inside BG-RRT's Mobile Ministry Center, which was set up in the area as a private space to talk and pray.
Some people familiar with the impact of violence have come to Apalachee High School to pay their respects. One young man came from Parkland, Fla., the site of a deadly high school shooting in 2018. Another man came from Uvalde, Texas, where a 2022 mass shooting claimed nearly two dozen lives.
First responders also feel the weight of tragedy. Many BG-RRT chaplains have a law enforcement background and can relate to the unique challenges facing those committed to serve and protect others.
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" (Matthew 18:20, ESV).
A chaplain bows his head during a worship service held at the nearby Monroe Area High School gym. The high school was supposed to play against the Apalachee football team Friday night. Several chaplains from across the Southeast have prayed with hundreds of mourners since the shooting. Please keep the people of Winder in your prayers over the coming days.