Carrying the Peace of Christ to Ravaged Haiti

By   •   August 20, 2021

Billy Graham chaplain prays with two women under hospital tent
In Haiti, buildings are reduced to rubble after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday, August 14. A small team of Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains are ministering alongside Samaritan’s Purse at an emergency field hospital in Les Cayes.
Destroyed buildings in Haiti
The death toll has risen to over 2,200 and an estimated 12,000 people are injured. Hundreds more are missing. In a recent interview, Franklin Graham shared, “The world in which we live is falling apart.” >> Give to help chaplains share the love of Jesus in Haiti.
Samaritan's Purse Emergency Field Hospital in Haiti
“At the request of Haiti’s Ministry of Health, we have deployed a Tier 1 surgical field hospital to treat earthquake victims,” Franklin Graham said. This emergency field hospital set up by Samaritan’s Purse is treating victims injured in the quake.
Women amidst rubble of Haitian earthquake
In many ways, the Caribbean country has not fully recovered from the 2010 earthquake and 2016 hurricane. After the 2010 earthquake, more than 120 chaplains served for a total of 22 months, praying with more than 35,000 Haitians.
Child smiling, sitting with older woman
Lingering effects from the earthquake will affect residents for years, from the very young to older generations.
Chaplain and adult female pray with teen boy
The chaplains currently ministering in Haiti are specifically trained to respond to disaster situations.
Rubble, trees, mountains in background
Almost 53,000 houses were destroyed by this most recent earthquake.
Unloading Samaritan's Purse Field hospital Haiti
"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." —Galatians 6:2
BGEA chaplains
Chaplains listen to instructions outside the field hospital. Amid the loss experienced by the Haitian people, BGEA chaplains carry the peace of Jesus Christ.
Join Franklin Graham in prayer for the people of Haiti. “Father, we pray for the people of Afghanistan and the people of Haiti. And Father, we pray that wherever we go that we will be the hands and feet of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And Father, we pray in His Name. Amen.”