Canadian Prodigals Hear the Gospel and Return to God

By   •   October 25, 2021

Will Graham on stage
Sunday was the last night of Will Graham’s evangelistic outreach in London, Ontario—but many Canadians will remember it as the first night they acknowledged Jesus Christ as their Savior. More than 1,700 attended the three-day event.
woman holding Celebration pamphlet
Many London churches came together to make this weekend’s outreach possible—inviting friends, hosting trainings and volunteering cheerfully at the Celebration.
Brooke Nicholls
Worship leader Brooke Nicholls grew up just around the corner from the city in southwestern Ontario, and spent many weekends there with her family. “It’s so great to be in this stadium, filling this stadium with praise,” she said, leading alongside her husband on the keys.
woman with hands raised
A tender moment between one woman and her heavenly Father.
Jordan Janzen
Instead of ignoring life’s struggles, Jordan Janzen, lead singer of Canadian band The Color, encouraged the crowd to find comfort in knowing God is bigger and stronger than anything they face. “No matter what I face You’ve already made a way, because You are bigger,” they sang.
Jordan Janzen and young girl
A little girl who attended KidzFest on Friday returned on Sunday to bring this handmade gift for the band from the neighboring province of Manitoba.
Will Graham preaching
For his final message in London, Ontario, Will Graham retold a story Jesus once shared about the Prodigal Son. The main character in that parable made many mistakes, but his father still welcomed him back with open arms.
woman listening
“You have to be willing to come home. … I’m not asking you to return to Will Graham,” the evangelist clarified. “Come to Christ. He’s waiting for you.”
boy with event pamphlet
A young attendee examines an event pamphlet. Even if he didn’t fully understand the Christ-centered messages and lyrics, the adults who brought him can pass on the Gospel to the next generation of Londoners.
The Afters singing in microphone
“I believe that God can change any heart, He can change any life,” said Josh Havens of The Afters, who talked about a few prodigals in his own family who eventually returned to God. Do you want Christ to change your life?
group on stage
Sunday was Angelina’s (second from right) first concert, and it’s one she won’t soon forget. The Afters invited her and several others to join them on stage for their song “Moments Like This.”
people holding phone flashlights
London’s ice hockey rink lit up with cell phone lights waved in the air to represent how believers shine Christ’s light in a dark world.
This woman interpreted the event in sign language to make the Good News accessible for anyone watching in person or online.
Will Graham signing
Will Graham asked the interpreter to teach him a phrase, and on Sunday, he greeted the Deaf community by signing “God loves you and has a plan for your life.”
man recording on cellphone
Across the indoor venue, people listened closely as the evangelist explained how they could come home to Christ—and some even recorded the event on their phones.
man and woman praying
At the end of the night, people walked forward to outwardly reflect their inward decision to accept God’s mercy, grace and love.
man with arms outstretched
This volunteer stretched out his hands in support as people prayed aloud to ask for God’s forgiveness and commit to following Christ. Due to COVID restrictions, volunteers weren’t able to offer one-on-one counseling as is the custom at most Celebrations.
two women hug
The Christian walk starts with a personal decision, but it’s not meant to be traveled alone. In the coming days, local churches will follow up with each person who responded to the Gospel at the Greater London Celebration.
Will Graham with Living in Christ booklet
Before Will Graham said goodbye, he challenged the crowd to read the Bible for themselves—and offered a small devotional from the book of John to each responder. Would you pray nothing prevents them from deepening their relationship with their heavenly Father? Thank you for lifting up this weekend’s Greater London Celebration in prayer.