Believers in Boca: Franklin Graham Shares Christ with Thousands

By Ron Nickel & T.J. Petrino   •   January 18, 2020

From January 11-19, Franklin Graham traveled across Florida to share a message of God's love with as many people as possible. The fifth of six stops was in Boca Raton.
The purpose of the Decision America Sunshine State Tour was to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost and to call on believers to pray for their state and nation.
An estimated 6,100 people packed out the Sunset Cove Amphitheater while more than 1,100 others watched live online. Franklin Graham began his message by leading the crowd in prayer for state and local leaders as well as national leaders from President Donald Trump to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
One of the many families that attended the tour on a warm and breezy Saturday evening in South Florida.
Jeremy Camp and his band have been part of every stop on the Sunshine State Tour. Jeremy always takes the opportunity to tell people about Jesus, through his lyrics as well as the stories he shares between songs.
Praying together for God to be glorified in Florida and across the United States.
The Boca Raton stop came on the heels of events in Jacksonville Beach, Plant City, Panama City Beach and Key West. The final stop on the Sunshine State Tour was in Fort Myers on Sunday. Check out more photos from the tour.
People listened intently as Franklin Graham talked about being religious vs. following Christ. He explained that "religion" in and of itself can't save anyone. "You’ve got to be willing to come to Christ. Jesus is the only one who can save."
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." —John 3:16 God loves you. Invite Him into your life.
Hundreds of people stood up as Franklin Graham gave an invitation to accept Jesus Christ. It's the same invitation his father gave so many times, including in nearby Fort Lauderdale in 1961. Almost two years after Mr. Graham went to be with the Lord, his legacy of sharing the hope of Christ continues through his children and grandchildren.
Each person who stood up to indicate a decision for Christ had the chance to talk and pray with a trained prayer counselor. The next step will be for local churches to follow up with new believers and welcome them into the family.
"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!" —Psalm 113:3 The final stop of the Sunshine State Tour was in Fort Myers on Sunday. Thank you for praying!