Why Do Some Christians Doubt the Authority of God’s Word?
Scripture warns that multitudes will reject that message, and we see that happening today.
How Do Find My Purpose Again After a Horrific Accident?
A happy life is not one filled only with sunshine, but one that uses both light and shadow to produce beauty.
Why Is it Still So Difficult for People to Overcome Prejudice?
We are quick to denounce that which we do not understand or know or experience.
Why Would a Christian Church Ignore the Bible?
Many are willing to give up some of the teachings of the Bible in order to harmonize Christianity with other religions (belief systems).
Does God Get Tired of Us Always Making Requests?
The Bible says to persist in prayer and to pray about everything.
How Can I ‘Give Thanks in Everything’ When I’m Grieving?
When we seize God’s strength, we grow with a deeper sense of God’s love and we begin to feel His comfort.
How Much Work Is Too Much?
Becoming physically rundown and in a state of nervous exhaustion is not only bad for a person’s health, it also suggests that a person is not making time for the Lord.
Will I Ever Be Satisfied?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham The Bible says that we were made for God. When we refuse to...
Why Does the Bible Say to Pray for Our Enemies?
Persecution brings terrible pain, but those who persecute us are to be the objects of our prayers.
How Can I Ever Be Good Enough for God?
It is one thing to have high ethical standards but quite another for the Holy Spirit to produce the goodness that has its depths in God Himself.
How Does Government Work in God’s Kingdom?
In God’s kingdom, Christ is King. He is compassionate, fair, merciful, and just.
Why Don’t More Churches Sing Old Hymns?
God raised up men and women whose musical and poetic gifts enriched the lives of God’s people and opened the hearts of millions to the Gospel.