How Can I Memorize Scripture to Encourage Others?
Committing ourselves to storing up God’s Word in our minds and hearts is blessed by God.
Why Are People So Hateful Sometimes?
One of the reasons hatred abounds all over the world stems from jealousy.
Can You Find Your Soulmate Online?
Have you found the sole source of the real kind of love that can bring light into your life?
Is Everyone Equal in God’s Eyes?
In many contexts, VIP means “Very Important Person.
Are Humans Programmed at Birth?
We are responsible for what we allow into our minds.
What Does Palm Sunday Mean?
A great crowd of people gathered in the city of Jerusalem and welcomed Jesus, proclaiming, "Hosanna!"
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
When we yearn for God and desire His truth, we’re experiencing the evidence of the Holy Spirit.
How Do I Forgive Someone Who Hurt Me?
Forgiveness is a healing balm for the troubled soul.
Why Does the Bible Say the Poor Are Blessed?
When Scripture uses the word “poor” it does not always mean financially poor.
What Has Jesus Done for Mankind?
Each person will one day stand before this mighty King. Do not turn away from Him.
Who Created the Idea of ‘Home’?
God instituted marriage between a man and a woman. He instituted the family and the home.
How Can I Live a Joyful Life?
Do not be trapped by the world’s darkness. If you belong to Jesus Christ, you are a child of light.