Are We Living in the Times of Delusion That the Bible Talks About?
Many people are enamored and deluded by philosophies that destroy lives and nations.
What Is the Bible About and Why Is It Attacked so Much?
The Bible is primarily concerned with the story of man’s redemption as it is through Jesus Christ.
What Does the Bible Say About Orphans?
Jesus said, “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18).
Is Heaven About Us or About Christ?
There will be no egos in Heaven.
How Was the Apostle Paul So Effective in Sharing the Gospel With Others?
He went straight to the heart of their curiosity and declared God’s truth—without compromise—and declared the one true God.
Were the 12 Minor Prophets Less Important Than the Major Prophets? What Is the Significance of the Number 12 in the Bible?
They are minor in terms of brevity only.
Why Can’t I Find Balance in My Life?
Life becomes unbalanced when we relegate God to the fringes.
Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace or to Divide People?
Satan does everything in his power to steer peace seekers away from the Peacemaker, Jesus Christ.
What Happens When People Pray to Different Gods for the Same Thing?
Uniting in prayer to the gods of this world will avail nothing.
What Does It Mean to Pray in the Name of Jesus?
When people have a genuine personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior, they can be assured that God hears their prayers.
Why Believe in God if We Can’t Prove He Exists?
Proof of God’s existence is found in the lives that have been changed.
Does War Signal the End Times?
God’s Word plainly says that certain conditions will prevail just before the end.