Why Is God Allowing Me to Suffer?
Those who turn their lives over to God’s great care can be assured that He is with us in the midst of our suffering. He doesn’t abandon His own.
Can Certain People Really Predict the Future?
It is wise to honestly critique why a person is interested in wanting to predict the future.
Why Don’t More Pastors Warn People About Satan and Hell?
The devil is out to defeat the Christian in his or her walk with Christ and bring doubt to God’s Word.
Does God Turn a Blind Eye to Pastors Who Fail Him?
The Bible says that “whom the Lord loves, He [disciplines]” (Hebrews 12:6).
Was Jesus More Than a Great Teacher and Religious Leader?
He demonstrated the power to do things that only God can do, such as forgive sins.
Is Sharing My Faith and Testimony Considered Evangelism if I’m Not an Evangelist?
All believers have a part in spreading the Gospel, and what a privilege it is.
Why Are People Nowadays so Consumed With Themselves, Especially on the Internet and Social Media?
Each generation tends to be a “me” generation, since selfishness is part of human nature.
Why Are so Many People Unhappy?
A sense of doom has settled upon the hearts of people today.
With Advanced Technology, Is Heaven Discoverable?
There is a GPS that will bring us safely to our eternal destination in Heaven.
How Did Jesus’ Disciples Change the World Forever?
The world took notice of what motivated these men and women.
Are Christians Considered Pilgrims on Earth? What Is Dual Citizenship?
We experience a foretaste of Heaven when we become Christians because He comes to live in us ... .
I Can’t Turn My Mind Off at Night to Sleep. What Can I Do?
The psalms are perhaps the most soothing place in Scripture for one to turn to shut out the stresses and troubles of the day.