Why Do We Celebrate Palm Sunday?
One reason the crowds turned against Jesus was because He refused to be the kind of king they wanted—a political...
How Can I Tell if Someone Is a False Prophet?
Don’t be misled, and don’t be deceived!
How Do I Learn the Bible and Grow Stronger in My Faith?
We grow spiritually through the study of God’s Word.
Why Is Society So “Me-Centered?”
The modern philosophy of self-reliance and self-sufficiency has caused many to believe that man can make the grade without God.
Is It OK to Talk About Hell?
The world may doubt its existence, but Hell is as real as Heaven.
How Do I Find Wisdom Concerning Retirement?
Many people plan for retirement but not spiritually or emotionally.
What Does the Bible Say About How to Treat Others?
We are to encourage our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and associates—and anyone we speak to.
Is Peace Possible in Our World?
The greatest warfare on earth is between mankind and God.
Why Are Some People so Thoughtless and Greedy?
Greed always exacts a terrible price. Those who think only of themselves are seldom, if ever, at peace within.
What’s Wrong With my Marriage?
Some of the most healing words in any language are, “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?”
Why Are so Many People Depressed?
“Anxiety in the heart … causes depression, but a good word makes it glad” (Proverbs 12:25).
Why Are Some People so Taken With Progressive Ideology?
The world is madly obsessive. Ears are dull and eyes are blind. They don’t want to hear truth, and they hurry to their doom.