Why Should I Give My Life to Jesus?
Everyone needs God for this life, and we need Him for the life to come.
How Do I Convince My Family I’ve Changed?
Many families admit to having a black sheep—someone who disgraced the family or behaved in a disreputable way.
What Happens When Christians Aren’t Unified?
When we take all things to God in prayer, asking for His wisdom, He will direct us in His righteousness.
Was It My Fault or the Devil’s?
By Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can be triumphant over the forces of evil—those in our heart and those in the world.
What Does the Bible Say About Narcissism?
The culture has had much success in infiltrating people’s minds by centering thoughts on themselves.
How Can God Love Me?
Temptation to doubt God’s love for mankind comes from Satan.
Should I Always Ask God to Forgive My Sins?
God gives us the courage to pray and ask Him to search our hearts—He knows them better than we do.
Is it Really Wrong As a Christian ‘Not’ to Vote?
It’s easy to become cynical about government or feel that our vote is insignificant.
It’s Not Too Late to Rekindle Your Faded Faith
I have no doubt that your life would have been very different if you’d grown in your faith instead of...
Should I Share My Faith at Work?
Christians are called to speak God’s truth to those in our sphere of influence.
Can Children Understand Faith in God?
When children ask about God, we must do our best to answer simply and honestly in terms they can understand.
How Can I Overcome My Guilt?
Sadly, we often don’t realize how heavy another person’s burden is until we walk along a similar path.