What Is a Sign of the End Times?
Jesus said that as the end approaches the world will be on an immoral binge such as it’s never known in history.
Should You Keep Praying for Someone if They Don’t Change?
The ministry of intercessory prayer, particularly for the lost, is so important.
Where in the Bible Does it Say That Jesus Is the Great Physician?
Much of the world says to God, “We work for peace and bring social justice according to our way—we don’t need You.
Will the Battle Between Good and Evil Ever Be Solved?
God’s Word says that the struggle will not end until the final battle is fought and Satan is cast into the place prepared for the devil and his angels.
How Do We Avoid a Divorce?
Couples grow closer if they go before the Lord together. He can restore communication that’s been lacking for so long.
Does Prayer Really Matter?
God speaks to us through the Bible, and we speak to God in prayer.
Why Do People Use Social Media? It Can Be So Hurtful
Spending time in God’s Word will produce more good than the world can offer through any outlet.
How Can I Know Christ Is With Me, Especially When I’m Dying?
No matter what we may face on Earth, Christ will be with those who have prepared to be in His presence for eternity.
What Is the Answer to Stopping the “Avalanche That Is Destroying Society?”
We have played down gentleness, manners, and morals, while we have played up rudeness, savagery, and the philosophy of “might is right.”
What Helps a Person Stop Fearing Death?
Death is often called the king of terrors (referred to in the book of Job).
What Should My Purpose Be in Retirement?
As Christians, we should never retire from doing the work of the Lord.
Why Would Someone Object to Prayer in Public?
Some consider prayer in public to be putting on a show.