Why Does God Allow Us to Go Through Hard Times?
God will often use our pain as a witness to His faithfulness in the midst of despair.
How Do You Build a Strong Spiritual Foundation?
Now is the time to build spiritual foundations that won’t collapse under the weight of life’s challenges.
How Are Christians Different From Other “People of Faith?”
Many people have just enough natural religion to make them immune to the real thing.
Is Gratitude Really Helpful When I’m Suffering?
When we praise God, our focus is on Him, not on ourselves.
What’s the Best Way to Teach Children About Faith in God?
There is no greater investment in children’s lives than to point them to the Bible.
Why Are Some People Obsessed With Celebrities?
The culture is absorbed in self.
Does God Give Everyone a Purpose?
When we come to Christ, God gives us a new purpose.
Why Am I Always So Restless?
We are incomplete without God. If we leave Him out of our lives, we have an empty place in our souls, a yearning deep inside us that only God can satisfy.
How Can I Become More Like Christ?
Do others see something of Christ in our lives?
How Can I Really Know God?
In the Bible God speaks to us; in prayer we speak to God. Both are essential—and both are gifts God has given us so we can know each other.
How Do I Walk Closely With God?
God didn’t intend for us to travel our journey in our own strength anyway, but only with the strength He supplies.
How Has Society Been Affected by the Attack on Traditional Values and Is There an Answer?
Every problem known to mankind has a spiritual origin.