Is Satan Really “the God of This Age?”
Those who reject Christ are under the influence of the devil who is still in charge of the evil and chaos in the world.
Why Do People Handle Death So Differently?
Last statements of dying men and women provide an excellent study for those who are looking for realism in the face of death.
Why Do Some People Cling to Their Guilt?
When we cling to our guilt, we do not honor God and we handicap our own lives.
Who Created God?
Many evidences suggest God’s existence, yet the plain truth is that God cannot be proved by intellectual arguments alone.
How Do I Offer Hope to Someone Who Is Grieving—or Dying?
There is no greater comfort than that offered by the promises the God of the universe gives to us.
What Will Our Resurrection Body Look Like?
Those who were burned or maimed in wars will be whole. Old people will be young and vigorous.
Is it OK to Believe in the Gospel But Not the Rest of the Bible?
Thousands of uninstructed Christians are being deceived today.
Will My Life Get Better if I Become a Christian?
Becoming a believer in Christ is a wonderful new beginning, but it isn’t the end of pain or problems. It is the beginning of facing up to them.
Why Don’t People Think More About Death?
The Apostle Paul wrote about the mystery of death and some who will never see death.
How Is it Possible That There Are Over 10,000 Religions?
When did man invent this maze of religion?
Are People Really the Same As in the Days of Adam and Eve?
We may have added some sophisticated technology, built skyscrapers, and written several million books, but there is still a chasm between sinful man and holy God.
Has Worship Become Too Focused on Worship Leaders and Songs?
“Praise and worship” has become a cliché.