Can Funerals Be an Opportunity to Share Christ?
People who may have never heard a Biblical message may be touched by the words of Jesus and drawn by God’s Spirit to consider where they will spend eternity.
How Can Christians Endure Persecution?
This can only be done through the power that God grants to His people through obedience to Him.
Should the Creation Account in Genesis Be Taken Literally?
Genesis is the book of firsts: creation, marriage, family, and fellowship with God.
Does the Bible Say That Preachers Have to Talk About Sin?
Ministers are to warn people of God’s judgment and also tell them of God’s love.
What Do Different Religions Believe About the Afterlife?
Man’s final destination has been pondered throughout the ages.
Is it Appropriate for Children to Visit a Dying Family Member?
What an important time for teaching the peace of God in difficult times.
What Does the Bible Say About Natural Religion?
Natural religion contains just enough truth to make it deceptive.
Why Doesn’t Jesus Fix the Brokenness in our World?
Christ's second coming is a very real promise.
Is Salvation a Free Gift From God?
Giving up something to follow Christ is not earning salvation; it’s giving up what keeps us from salvation.
Why Would Anyone Want to Go to Hell?
The truth is that people’s confession of preferring Hell is simply a cover-up for their unwillingness to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and humble themselves before Him.
I run a small business with about a dozen employees. I became a Christian about two years ago and I want to run my business according to Christian principles but I’m not sure exactly what that means. Any suggestions?
"Use honest scales and honest weights," the Old Testament law declared (Leviticus 19:36). In addition, treat your employees the same way you would want to be treated.
What Makes Someone a Christian?
It is more than recognizing the existence of Jesus; we must accept Him and obey His Word (see 1 John 1:9; 2:3–5).