
By   •   April 25, 2017   •   Topics:


I've heard people say that we must be living in the end times because the world has gotten so bad morally that God surely is going to do something to stop it, but is this really true? After all, hasn't the world always been in bad shape?


Yes, the world has always been morally and spiritually corrupt—ever since Adam and Eve sinned against God and were banished from the Garden of Eden. As Paul looked around him at the moral decay of the Roman Empire he declared, “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity” (Romans 1:29). Could this be said of our own generation?

Nevertheless, the Bible tells us that someday God will intervene and bring an end to all the sin and corruption of this present world system. In that day Christ will come again in glory and power, and He will rule over the earth in perfect justice and peace. But the Bible also tells us that before He comes again, evil will grow stronger and stronger as Satan mobilizes all his forces to block God’s plans. The Bible says, “There will be terrible times in the last days. … Evildoers and imposters will go from bad to worse” (2 Timothy 3:1, 13).

Are we living in those days? It’s certainly possible, as we see secularism and moral corruption growing by leaps and bounds. In addition, Christians in many parts of the world are facing greater and greater hostility and persecution.

The real question, however, is this: If Christ returned today, would you be ready? Would you welcome Him with joy—or with fear and shame? You can be ready, by turning to Jesus Christ and inviting Him to come into your life. Don’t delay, but commit your life to Christ today.

Have you given your heart to Christ? Pray now.