
By   •   October 12, 2022   •   Topics:


I’m an artist and paint the stories of the Bible as a testimony of my love for God’s Word. I give these as gifts to places where there’s so much suffering, like in hospitals and nursing homes, to draw people to God who does care for them. Many people say I am wasting my time and talent. My heart was broken to hear that one of my paintings ended up in the garbage heap outside of a clinic and it has distressed and depressed me in a great way.


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

We may never know how God uses the talents that He gives to mankind. While many are acclaimed for the music they compose or canvas art or books penned, there are many testimonies unheard by the throngs but impact one soul at a time for eternity. We are responsible to be faithful in our witness for Jesus Christ and it is He who blesses the work, though many will never know the outcome this side of Heaven.

In the 21st century, throngs of people acclaimed the newly discovered Leonardo da Vinci 15th-century painting entitled Savior of the World. The piece had been lost for 500 years, disguised by layers of overpainting, and was painstakingly restored before going on exhibit in London in 2001.

Whatever we do in word or deed, the Bible says, do all to the glory of God. Our gratitude to Him can find expression in our service for others, but ultimately we use our gifts and talents to glorify His Name and He sees all that is done by human hands.

There is a powerful verse found in Genesis 50:20 that says, “You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good … to save many people.” We never know how God blesses the works of our hands when we leave it in His capable hands.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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