By BGEA Admin • October 6, 2018 • Topics: Money, Money, Work, Worry
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
The story is told of two old friends in the process of dying at the same time. One was rich, the other was poor. The rich man was not saved, and he was telling someone about his friend who was a Christian. “When I die,” he said, “I shall have to leave my riches. When he dies, he will go to his riches.” In a word, he summed up the two radically different principles which govern the world. He could not part with his riches in peace.
Peace is not arbitrary. It must be based upon definite facts. God has all the facts on His side. The world does not, and never will. The world and all it can afford will never find peace apart from Jesus Christ. It is honorable and praiseworthy to seek and desire peace, but recognize that without the Prince of Peace guiding us, we are limited.
The Bible teaches that mankind will never come to this place of tranquility and permanent peace until Christ returns to this earth. This glorious time is coming. Will Christ find you anticipating His return? Will He find you ready to join Him for eternity in Heaven? Commit your finances, your relationships—your very life—to the Lord Jesus. He will bring peace to your heart that will follow you through every storm that you may face. You can know with certainty that you are not alone. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives” (John 14:27).
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)