By Billy Graham • June 1, 2004 • Topics: End Times, Jesus Christ
Yes, Jesus will come back to earth some day, and when He does, He will judge the world. The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly when He will come again–but we can be sure that “our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).
How can you be ready for that day? First, be sure of your own commitment to Christ; only then will you be prepared for His coming. His return, the Bible says, will come suddenly and catch most people by surprise, because they have ignored God and lived only for them. Don’t let that be true of you. Instead, turn by faith to Christ, confessing your sins to Him and trusting Him alone as your Lord and Savior.
Second, put Christ at the center of your life. What kind of person does He want you to be? How does He want you to live? Make it your goal to live for Christ instead of for yourself. Let His love fill you, and ask Him to help you show His love to others.
When we truly know Christ, we will welcome His return instead of fearing it. He has saved us by His death on the cross, and we know nothing can separate us from His love. But we don’t want to be ashamed because we haven’t been living for Him. The Bible says, “Continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming” (1 John 2:28).