A Biblical Response to the Transgender Debate

By   •   October 21, 2024

In her Fearless Family: Eight-Day Election Prayer Guide, Cissie Graham Lynch encourages voters to consider where local, state, and federal leaders stand on gender ideology.

The transgender debate has infiltrated our schools, sports, entertainment, doctor’s offices, and even the Supreme Court.

What does the Bible say about gender identity, and how can a Christian respond to this cultural shift in both truth and love?

“The entire point of the gender ideology is that gender is completely distinct from biology,” Cissie Graham Lynch said on her latest Fearless podcast episode. “There’s zero scientific evidence to support this. Yet it is being taught as if it was a fact.”

“This kind of confusion … doesn’t change the truth that we are all made in the image of God, who loves and cares for each of us,” she added.

Read more on this topic and other key issues facing our families at the ballot box. Get your free download of Cissie’s Fearless Family: Eight-Day Election Prayer Guide.

The devotional below is an excerpt taken from her prayer guide.

READING: Genesis 1:26–28

Before gender identity was ever a political issue, it was a Biblical issue. God created gender. He designed us to either be male or female. His Word is clear about this, so it should come as no surprise that this is the very thing that the evil one is trying to confuse. My heart breaks for people who feel like they are stuck in the wrong body. It must be a crushing experience to believe there is something wrong with you because your mind doesn’t match your biological gender. This kind of confusion can cut to the core, but it doesn’t change the truth that we are all made in the image of the God who loves and cares for us. We don’t define our gender. The government can’t define it. Only God can define who we are. …

What’s more, the proponents of gender ideology often take advantage of people when they are young, vulnerable, and at the very height of their confusion. They are promised the impossible—happiness through gender transition. It’s an empty promise because no one ever truly transitions. Gender cannot be genetically modified—it is physically impossible to change your chromosomes, cells, and biological sex.

Rather than broadening our understanding of gender roles, gender ideology places the idea of “female” and “male” in extremely small, stereotypical boxes that one must either fit into or get out of. Young men who prefer fashion over sports, or young women who prefer video games over Barbie® dolls are pushed out of the narrow box of “male” or “female” and fed devastating lies that cause them to doubt their gender and biology. …

Protecting Women

For centuries, common sense has prevailed. A person could identify as male, female, or whatever they chose, but when it came to keeping individuals safe in private spaces, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, homeless shelters, and prison cells, the only thing that mattered was biological body type. I believe even the most open-minded person can see that placing a man in private, female spaces puts women at a gross disadvantage, both in competitive sports and in situations where self-defense may be needed.

Simply look at the Olympic records for men and women over the last 75 years and you’ll see we don’t need any new scientific research to demonstrate that men competing in women’s sports would be unfair and would steal championships and scholarships from women.

Women have fought for equality for too many years for us to allow this to happen now. …

Protecting Children

The issue of gender isn’t just about a cultural phenomenon, marketing, or the media. It is an issue of legislation, and when it comes for your children, will you be able to protect them? …

I believe there’s nothing more evil or anti-God than supporting children—whose minds are not fully developed—in their decision to mutilate themselves. Minors do not possess the intellectual capacity to weigh the future ramifications of their present decisions. There are hundreds of stories of people who have detransitioned after regretting the decisions they made when they were younger and confused. When we pursue desires that are in conflict to God’s design, it often leads to harmful consequences. …

What Is the Christian Response?

In this election year, it will be a high priority for some legislators to advocate for gender ideology that contradicts our God-given genders. …

As voters, we must ensure our parental rights are protected and we must do our part to guard our children from this evil. Satan is targeting our children who are created in God’s image. We must take a stand against any politician or political platform that condones children cutting off body parts or receiving toxic, life-altering hormone injections. It’s important that we understand where federal and state candidates stand on this moral issue. …


Heavenly Father, thank You for creating us all differently, and for providing space for us to express our femininity and masculinity in a God-honoring way that doesn’t need to look exactly the same as everyone else. We know that each of us is unique and though our culture might create stereotypes, You do not.

Please help us to stand boldly, and speak clearly and graciously as we defend one of the most basic truths of humanity that some are wrestling with today. May we never forget that our identity is found first and foremost in You as our Creator. …

We pray that our legislators will protect children, religious freedom, and parents’ rights when it comes to decisions that affect education, medical care, athletics, and private spaces.