Will Graham Delivers an Emotional Plea in Loveland

By   •   October 6, 2024

Will Graham explains what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ to the many who responded to the Gospel at Saturday’s Northern Colorado Look Up Celebration.

The minute Will Graham hit the stage Saturday night, he leveled with the Northern Colorado crowd:

“Tonight’s a very emotional night for me.”

Not only was he “back home” in the area where he was born—nearby Longmont, Colorado—but he’s lived through one of the most trying weeks of his life.  The region where he grew up and what he now calls home—Western North Carolina—was decimated by Tropical Storm Helene.

“I’ve got employees who don’t have homes right now. I’ve got a lot of friends who don’t have homes right now,” the heartbroken evangelist said. “No water. No power. No communication.

“Seventy people in my county have died. One man lost 10 people in his own family. They never realized that night was going to be their last night.”

Without wasting any time, Will Graham made sure those in attendance at Blue Arena knew exactly how they could be ready when their last moment on earth comes.

Reading from Jude 1:11, he said, “Woe to those who go the way of Cain.”

Cain thought he could come to God any way He wanted, giving to the Lord an offering from his crops, Will Graham explained—but a blood sacrifice was required.

It was ultimately Jesus Christ, he continued, who offered a perfect blood sacrifice on the cross, giving His own life to pay the penalty of all our sins.

“We all come up with our own way God will accept us,” he said. “The Bible says there’s only one way to get to God. Jesus says, ‘I’m the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me’ (John 14:6).

“Some of you tonight are on the wrong path. You’re living like Cain,” he said.

“Jesus said in this world you will have trouble, but take heart for I have overcome the world (John 16:33),” Rend Collective lead singer Chris Llewellyn (center) said. “That means we can be real about the troubles in our lives. But we can also be real about the hope that’s found in Jesus Christ.”

The Cowboy Counselor

Dan, a prayer volunteer who attends Country Gospel Cowboy Church in nearby Johnstown, left his heavy cowboy boots and western wear at home—even though that’s his normal church attire.

But it also allowed him to reach the front quicker, where he met 15-year-old Nick of Longmont who was “all in.”

“I want to make a decision for Jesus tonight,” said Nick, one of the first to make his way to the front in response to the Gospel invitation Will Graham gave.

The pair then found Nick’s dad, who proudly put his arm around his son as Dan prayed for Nick and offered him a new Bible to help him start his life in Christ.

Nick didn’t hesitate at the offer: “I think I’ll say yes to that.”

‘God Used These Two Kids’

Tina scanned the crowd on Saturday morning and was almost moved to tears.

KidzFest, a special Gospel-centered program geared toward children, was wrapping up as Tina proudly watched her two grandkids—Donnie, 16, and Bella, 14—finish talking with younger children who had responded to the Good News.

“I’ve been praying for these kids since before they were born,” Tina said of her grandchildren.

The siblings heard about the opportunity to be prayer volunteers for the Look Up Celebration at youth group. They eagerly completed the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Christian Life and Witness Course, which equips people to boldly live out their faith and share it with others.

As children came forward to make decisions for Christ at KidzFest, Donnie was matched up with Ezekiel. Bella prayed with Nea.

“He said he accepted Jesus into his heart,” Donnie shared, recounting how nervous he was to pray with Ezekiel, who was making a life-changing decision for Christ. Before they parted ways, Donnie prayed for his new little brother in Christ.

Bella was a little more relaxed. “It was so much fun,” she said. “The Lord just gave me all the information to say.”

Tina—or “Nina” as she’s known to her grandkids—is currently raising Donnie and Bella, but she’s also had the honor of leading them both to the Lord, and even baptized Donnie in an outdoor horse trough during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“They are such a blessing,” Tina said with tears welling up. “God used these two kids.”

Please pray for the final night of the Northern Colorado Look Up Celebration—tonight at 6 p.m. (MT), 8 p.m. (ET). You can watch online at WillGrahamLive.com.

New believers at KidzFest received a discipleship book written for children, to help them better understand their new faith in Jesus Christ.