My Hope Zambia by Andy McMillan

By   •   November 30, 2011

Thursday through Saturday, the My Hope program was broadcast on two national television and radio stations, several local radio stations in a variety of languages, and shown by DVD throughout the country.
Almost 100 people gathered in the Copperbelt region of Zambia in spite of torrential rain.
Chilekwa Mulenga, the My Hope regional coordinator for the Copperbelt Region, shared the Gospel.
"Where will you spend all eternity?" Mulenga asked with passion and conviction.
Forty-two people responded and prayed to receive Christ into their hearts.
People sang with great fervor about how there is no one like Jesus.
Testimonies were shared and Zambians responded to the Gospel message.
"What I'm about to tell you is true," Mulenga said, quoting John 3:16.
"We came here tonight that people could hear the Gospel and that's been done and people gave their lives to Jesus."
Photos by Andy McMillan