The Enigma of Suicide: Answers From Billy Graham

By   •   September 6, 2022   •   Topics: , ,

Suicide resurfaces in the news now and then when someone well-known takes his or her own life, but it’s a topic many wrestle with each day. Maybe they’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, know someone who is, or even lost a loved one to suicide.

The question of “why” remains. Why would a person feel like there’s no reason to live?

Need to Talk?

Call the Billy Graham Prayer Line at 1-888-388-2683.

Suicide is a tough tragedy and perhaps even tougher to explain.

When asked about suicide throughout his ministry, Billy Graham always spoke carefully, relying on the Bible for answers rather than his own understanding.

Let these answers guide you to the truth about suicide.

Can you give me a reason not to take my own life right now?
>> See Billy Graham’s answers to this real-life question.

Suicide is a leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 10 and 24.
>> Read and share these answers for teens and young adults on suicide, depression.

Suicidal thoughts are an ongoing battle for countless individuals.
>> Billy Graham once said this to someone who attempted suicide.

Feel like your life is empty or without purpose?
>> Find hope in this truth.

Don’t face life’s battles alone. Ask God to help you today.