A Breakthrough in Falkirk: Hundreds Make Decisions for Christ

By   •   June 16, 2018

Flags among crowd in stadium
Aimee Asante (left) jumps high while waving Scottish flags in Falkirk Stadium at the start of the second night of the Central Scotland Celebration of Hope with Will Graham.

As the sun parted through rain clouds overhead at the Central Scotland Celebration of Hope, a breakthrough of the heavens was experienced in more ways than one.

The Afters energetically kicked off Saturday night with worship, drawing a large crowd toward the stage—jumping to the beat and singing along. In the mix was a group of dancers who voluntarily joined in the excitement.

Waving the flag of Scotland called “The Saltire” along with the unofficial national flag known as the “Lion Rampart,” Aimee Asante twirled around with joy.

For the past three years, she’s been performing around the Falkirk area with her church’s outreach band, hoping to see many begin a relationship with Christ.

Despite multiple dance performances in the rain and persistent effort, she hadn’t seen one person come to Christ.

Until Friday and Saturday night.

“That’s been on our hearts for so long,” Aimee said.

“We’re seeing many of [those who saw us perform on the streets] come into the stadium and give their hearts to the Lord.”

Although the “Lion Rampart” flag she waved high is intended to show the Queen is not in residence, it was clear a Higher Power was present across the stadium Saturday night. Hundreds decided not to wait any longer, coming forward to make a decision for Christ.

>> See photos from Saturday’s events.

“What would happen if today was the last day of your life?” Will asked during the invitation. “Would you have any regrets?”

As a pastor, Will shared that he’s ministered to people who were dying, but none of them wished for a nicer car or home.

“My granddaddy talked about how he wished he could have done more to have an impact for God for eternity,” Will said. “That’s what we need to be focused on.”

Speaking from James 4, he said, “The Bible says in the span of eternity, your life is like a vapor.

“We’re never guaranteed a tomorrow.”

Prayer volunteer and granddaughter receiving Christ
Prayer volunteer Sandra Batt explains the Gospel to her 10-year-old granddaughter who sang in the choir and then decided she “just wanted to have Jesus” at KidzFest on Saturday.

Standing up front, prayer volunteer Sandra Batt was aware of the brevity of life. A year ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and just last week found out she is cancer-free.

Earlier in the day during KidzFest, an event with special activities for children to learn about Christ, her three granddaughters came forward to begin a personal relationship with God.

While “a bit tearful,” she prayed with them to receive Christ.

“The Celebration of Hope is a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Sandra’s 9-year-old granddaughter Erin. “I wanted to make it special.”

Do you know where you’ll spend eternity? Don’t wait. Receive Christ today.