
By   •   August 26, 2017   •   Topics: ,


My cousin gets very upset if we bring up anything about religion—even if we just casually mention something that's happening in our church. Why does he get so angry? It doesn't make sense. It isn't like we're trying to pressure him to believe like we do.


You’ve probably noticed that as a general rule, most people don’t like to be told that they’re wrong (even if they are). Perhaps this is one reason why your cousin gets upset, because he thinks you’re telling him that his attitude toward God is wrong—and He doesn’t like it.

I can’t help but think, however, that his hostility goes much deeper than this. Frankly, some people are simply hostile toward God, and even the slightest mention of God or of Jesus upsets them greatly. Perhaps they’re reacting against their parents, or they don’t want anyone (including God) to interfere with the way they’re living—but whatever the reason, they don’t want anything to do with God. It may not be logical—but it’s still real.

Don’t take your cousin’s hostility personally; his anger isn’t directed at you but at God. Instead, pray for him, asking God to break through his resistance and open his mind and heart to Christ’s love. Remember: God is able to do what we cannot do in the heart of another person. Only the Holy Spirit can “prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8).

In addition, ask God to help you be an example to your cousin of Christ’s love and peace. He may deny the truth of what you say—but he can’t deny the reality of a life that’s been changed by Christ. Remember Jesus’ words: “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14).

Find out how much God loves you.