
By   •   June 27, 2020   •   Topics: ,


I became a Christian a few years ago but my problems haven’t gone away and I am struggling to know God’s will and not do things my way. My wife tells me that I am still too attached to my work and am not giving my all to living for Christ. How does a person learn this and does a Christian just turn his back on his livelihood to serve God?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Often taking care of business can overshadow the most important things in life and that is our relationship with God. Making Christ the center of life is the key to balance. He lifts us up and helps us bring order to our lives.

Becoming a new believer in Christ is a wonderful beginning, but it isn’t the end of problems. It is the beginning of our facing up to them. Being a Christian involves a lifetime of hard work, dedicated study in God’s Word, and making difficult decisions. But the Lord is there to help us every step of the way; giving us direction, discernment, and wisdom along life’s pathway.

It is not wrong to want to work and earn a decent living; in fact, God has given work to us. But this legitimate desire can very easily cross the line into greed—especially when our materialistic society pulls us that direction. We all must guard against this. Above all, we need to make sure our lives are centered in Christ.

The workplace provides many opportunities to exemplify Christ in our lives. All around us are people who need Christ. We must ask the Lord to guide our steps as we do our work, knowing that others are watching. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed” (2 Timothy 2:15).

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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