
By   •   February 11, 2022   •   Topics: ,


My daughter’s boyfriend insists that they must live together before marriage to see if they are compatible. My daughter has canceled the engagement, but feels that her hopes have been crushed forever. What can a mother do to help her?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

One of the great therapies to overcoming disappointments is to be thankful that we are spared results of bad decisions. Stories of dashed hopes and dreams have often been used to redirect our lives. Multitudes have survived what seemed to be hopeless.

It’s not always easy to trace God’s designs in our ill-planned dreams. But for those who love God, all things do work together for good. Who are we to dictate which way the winds will blow, or how God will maneuver our ship through life’s storms? The psalmist wrote that God guides by His skillful hand (Psalm 78:72).

Clouds will come. They are part of life. But by God’s grace, we need not be depressed by their presence. Just as clouds can protect us from the brightness of the sun, life’s clouds can reveal the glory of God, and from their lofty height God speaks to us. Like the children of Israel, we are travelers to the Promised Land. As they traveled through the wilderness, the Bible says that the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them in the way (Exodus 13:21).

When our lives seem to crumble and life is dismal and gloomy, we must look up, beyond the clouds, and know that Christ can turn those dark clouds inside out. Many may be discouraged because of things they can’t overcome. Sin also can hang over us like a cloud, causing turmoil and despair. When faced with the clouds of defeat, we need to open our hearts and let Christ take the clouds away and restore our hope in Him.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

God can heal your broken heart. Put your trust in Him.