
By   •   October 14, 2016   •   Topics:


I'm in high school, and we're supposed to write an essay on what we'd like to be doing 20 years from now. I don't have any idea what to say. How can I know where I'll be or what I'll be doing in 20 years?


You’re right, up to a point; we can make guesses about our future, but only God knows what’s really going to happen. As the Bible says, “Since no one knows the future, who can tell someone else what is to come?” (Ecclesiastes 8:7).

But let me challenge you to take your teacher’s assignment seriously, and use it as an opportunity to think more deeply about your life and where you should be headed. You see, your teacher didn’t ask you to predict where you’ll be in 20 years, but only to say what you’d like to be doing then. Those aren’t necessarily the same thing.

I don’t know, of course, how you’d answer this—but the most important answer you could give would be to say that 20 years from now you want to be doing whatever God wants you to do. You see, you are not here by chance. God put you here for a reason, and life’s greatest joy comes from discovering His plan for our lives.

You can begin this adventure today by turning to Jesus and asking Him to come into your life. It’s the most important step you will ever take. Then ask Him to help you discover the abilities and gifts He’s given you, and to guide you in the future. The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).